The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51246   Message #779802
Posted By: Bobert
09-Sep-02 - 01:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART FOUR
Subject: RE: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART FOUR
Bobert's review of Junior and Co.'s PR performancer on yesterday's talking head shows: D-

Truth: Dick Cheney saying, "we're trying to build support with the American people." Well, the implication must be that if it needs to be built then there isn't sufficient support. Okay, Dick, you get a point for that true statement.

Truth ot Lie "The admiinistrations officials suggested that Bush would accept a last chance effort by the United Nations to deploy weapons inspectors..." (Washingotn Post of today)

Truth ot Lie: Condolleezza Rice's satement, "Nobody's going to negoitiate anything with this regime."

*Note: At least one of the two above statements has to be a lie because there is a contridiction.

Lie: Condoleezza's statement, "I don't think anyone wants to wait for the 100% surity that Hussein has a weapon of mass detruction that can reach the United States." Well, Ms. Rice , I think there are millions of folks who disagree with you. But, considering the number of innocent folks that Texas has executed, I am fully aware that some folks in Texas don't need a whole bunch of proff about anything.

Truth ot Lie: Colin Powell statement, "This is time to to deal with a problem that has been there for years..." Well, Danged Colin, if it's been here for years, why this massave PR to get this war going so quickly. And why... just before the elections...

Nah, I'm changing my grade to an "F".

When ya' can't even get the stories straught it generally means that someone is lieing thru their teeth. In this case, quite a few folks.

Nope, they didn't win me over yesterday.
