The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51246   Message #779819
Posted By: Bobert
09-Sep-02 - 01:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART FOUR
Subject: RE: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART FOUR
Amos: PLan B is not plan B at all but Plan A. This is where you and Nicole are going to be real busy. As I have stated before, we're going to call for an "Emergency Middle East Peace Summit" and we're gonna have to sell it. Nicole is going to come up with a PR program aimed at the public opinions of the various Middle Eastern Nations. We'll be usinf every type of media to build support for peaceful coexhistance. Now, I know this is gonna be tough but we're going to make this summit to be the summit "to be at". Yep, Saddam, Arafat, Sharon, evreyone. All inclusive.

Now that we have softened up folks with a massave PR campaine, it will not be fashionable to well, not be there. You'rte gonna have to work those phones and be your sweet charming self and get these leaders to feel that they are indeed going to go down in history as part of "the Event" that broke the cycle. The event that carried mankind to the next step...

And the Summit will last as long as it has to. No one gets out until the job is complete. And when it is complete, everyone is going to come out of there feeeling all warm and fuzzy. And our Dept. Of Peace will put up the pictures of these people and they will be made out to be the greatest men and women of the times.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, while everyone is feeling all good, boundaries will open up and people will be more able to visit with one another. You know, Saddam, will invite US college students and just about anyone else over who will tell him what a great guy he is for having the courage to participate. And as the Middle East becomes more inclusive and fluid, we will sneak a few good intellegence folk in who look like tourist, you know, with their sunglasses, K-Mart clothes, and desposable cameras and next thing ya' know, we'll really have intellegence based on fatcs rather than dartborads.

Yep, that's the Plan and it'll work to the "T". Heck, it will work so well there, that we'll use it as a blueprint in other areas of the world. And as it starts to develop, we'll find we don't need as many WMD ourselves and can put our dough into industroes that promote peace, and alternative energy sources and food and, well... things that hepl folks rather than things that hurt people...

So get Nicole on the phone and get to work...

And if ya' need anything from me, I'm here...

Might want to touch base with Dougie, too...
