The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51246   Message #780063
Posted By: Bobert
09-Sep-02 - 06:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART FOUR
Subject: RE: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART FOUR
Okay, Nicole. Here's my thinking but I, unlike to other Prez, have an open mind. Yes, the Isreali/Palestinian conflict is really at the heart of the problems not only in the Middle East but also stretching into Asia with those of Islamic Faith are mad at the US for backing Isreal.

This problem will have to be worked out in a sidebar and off to the side and we will have to look at the possibilities that include demilitarized zones and internation UN peacekeeping forces un that region. It is also going to have to encompass the basic framework of the Suadi Proposal of Land for Peace, a Palestian sovern state, an acceptance of Isreal's Right to Exist and all this will come about similtaniuosly without one party having to do this before the other does that. And Amos is going to have to play hardball on that part of the agreement.

Yes, we do have some cards which can be played should we need them but I have faith in Amos so I don't think those will have to be played. But if they do, like Brucs Springsteen says, "Sooner or later, it all comes down to money." We have that on our side.

Now, with the Isreali/Palestinian conflict resolved, the other members of the summit will lossen up and feel a little watm and fuzzy and then we can get a number of issues resolved, including Iraq's fight to own their own resources. The reason I want everyone involved from the beginning is that the fundamental change in the way we're going do business is that we're going to walk the extra mile to be inclusive, make everyone feel like they are equally part of the great event that changes the way human go about solving problems.

But, hey, Nicole. I'm all ears. Like ol' Bobert has said before, "The mind is like a parachute. It's useless if it ain't open..."

Yo, Doug! Good work, my friend! See, you brought up a pount that alot of folks that we will win over now think. I thought Amos did a nice job with his spin, so there's nothing I can add that would improve his response. But keep firing. We need ya', brother!
