The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51279   Message #780281
Posted By: Mr Happy
10-Sep-02 - 06:30 AM
Thread Name: Help: 'Traditional musicians' & Tuning?
Subject: 'Traditional musicians' & Tuning?
hi everybody!

me & some chums were in our local session last week, playing some song s & tunes. another fiend came in & also sang a number or 2. his guitar seemed a little out of tune with the rest of us,so we couln't join in with him. another pal offered an electronic tuner, so he could be in concert ptch [440hz] like everyone else.

he refused saying, traditional musicians don't use concert pitch.

we felt this was somewhat unreasonable- my pal asked had he brought his hrmonicas with him & could he do one of his blues numbers with harp accompaniment. he had. we said how could he accompany himself with fixed pitch 'traditional' instruments like these if his guitar was'traditinally' tuned?

he went off in a huff.

your thoughts?