The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51228   Message #780317
Posted By: Jim Dixon
10-Sep-02 - 07:58 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Red Knuckles & Trailblazers
Subject: Lyr Add: KANSAS CITY STAR (Roger Miller)
Copied from

(Roger Miller)

Got a letter just this mornin'. It was postmarked Omaha.
It was typed and neatly written, offerin' me this better job:
Better job and higher wages, expenses paid, and a car,
But I'm on TV here locally and I can't quit. I'm a star.

Ha-ha! I come on the TV a-grinnin', wearin' pistols and a hat.
It's a kiddy show and I'm the hero of the younger set.
I'm the number one attraction at every supermarket parkin' lot.
I'm the king of Kansas City. No thanks, Omaha. Thanks a lot.

Kansas City star, that's what I are.
Yodel-leedle lay-dee, you oughta see my car.
I drive a big old Cadillac with wire wheels. Got rhinestones on the spokes.
I got credit down at the grocery store and my barber tells me jokes.
I'm the number one attraction at every supermarket parkin' lot.
I'm the king of Kansas City. No thanks, Omaha. Thanks a lot.


SPOKEN: Stay tuned, we're gonna have a Popeye cartoon in a minute.