The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51246   Message #780498
Posted By: Bobert
10-Sep-02 - 12:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART FOUR
Subject: RE: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART FOUR
I hope and pray that this will occur, Amos, but I have my doubts. I think Bush is Hell bent on attacking Iraq and is just posturing and trying to sway world opinion. During the next two days the American people, as well as folks considered to be potential allies, will be bombarded by a PR campiagn that has been carefully crafted to market an invasion.

I think we should all be very mindful of just how much martketing will be mixed into the next two days. Teams of marketers, pollsters and pscyhologists have been at this for some time now. The "hot button" words have been identified. We're hearing a few allready. How many folks have you heard using the word "crawfishing" in the last week? Yep, the marketers have found this word to illicit some response and so we've been fed a staedy diet of crawfish. Don't be surprised to hear this word used even in Junior's address to the UN.

Now there will be other hot button words which will be carefully introduced in the next two days as a foundation of the marketing an attack on Iraq and for those who may be on the fence or are easily sold, I'd just not watch any TV for the next two days... Yeah, boycott the television media for two day, if you will.

Again, Amos, I don not share your optimism. I's sniffin' part of the marketing stategy. Nothin' more...

Oh yeah, for those interested in the marketing that Junior is up to, check out

