The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51246   Message #780551
Posted By: Bobert
10-Sep-02 - 01:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART FOUR
Subject: RE: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART FOUR
You are right, Doug. When Junior found, that through the internet that he was facing a groundswell of opposition, he regrouped and came up with Plan B.

Plan B is a purdy danged good plan, I'll admit. Not nearly as good as our Mudcat's Administration mind you becasue it is still Hell bent on pushing folks around.

But if this was a chess match, I'd have to say it was a good move. Will it work? I pray that it will but fear that it won't. Folks don't like being bullied. And I'm sure that what Junior is going to want is something that resembles an occupation, of sorts. Now occupations work when you're there for the right reasons. You know, like keeping order and assisting a battered country get back on it's feet, much like the Marshall Plan. But a bullying occupation only leaves resentments and then we're gonna have to deal with yet another generation of folks who resent us. It doesn't end the cycle, just perpetuates it.

But being a positive thinker in general and a man of Faith I pray that should a weapon's inspection program short circuit Juniors thirst for blood, that we will have the wisdom to try some of Amos's idea over the next many years that we occupy Iraq. I'd like to see some of them used here as well.
