The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51246   Message #780735
Posted By: Amos
10-Sep-02 - 05:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART FOUR
Subject: RE: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART FOUR
Shades of Jimmy Stewart in High Noon!!

"Awright, SA-damn!! I'm-a comin affer ya; it's you-an me, and we're gonna consort this issuance face to man once and for higher! If you're too danged temporous to make a move, then throw down your ballet-istic sidereal arms and step out whar Ah kin see ya!"

Om...McGrath? I just don't think it's-a-gonna happen, podnuh!! :>)

The man to see when things are In A State! If it's never been Stated, call me!! We State the Unstateable Cheap!