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Thread #51246   Message #780737
Posted By: Bobert
10-Sep-02 - 05:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART FOUR
Subject: RE: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART FOUR
We're thinking alike here, McGrath. Like I said earlier somewhere, Bush is just having to capitulate on the checklist. You know, going before Congress and the United Nations. And we have the internet to thank for shuffling enough information around that there has been the kind of pressure that put on the White House and Congress that is forcing them to have to backtrack. Good! No, make that very good!

But I'm afraid that he will figure out a way to screw the thing up purposely to keep Saddam as the "boogie man". See, Junior needs a "boogie man" to keep the pre 9/11 agenda and concerns under lock and key. Like the Florida heist! Like the economy! Like a big old tax giveaway to the rich that didn't stimulate the economy at all, only made the rich richer! Like an energy policy written by 42 of his closest oil buddies! Like a perscription drug program for our parents and grandparents! Like a mimumum wage of $5.15 that only insures a peasant class! Yeah, Bush does not want to deal with any of these problems so he needs him a big, bad "boogie man".

Chances are that the last one, Osoma, is long been dead since it is a little known fact that he was on a dialysis machine at the time of the 9/11 attacks and there are but only so many caves in Afganistan set up with dialysis machines. Plus, he made for a lousy "boogie man". I mean, he was pale from being sick, and skinny like sick folks are and them tubes hanging out of him for his medical treatments just didn't have the Rambo look to 'em.

Now, Saddam. Well, he don't really look to "boogie manish" himself but Junior looked arounf the world and figured he's do. Sitting on top of all that oil didn't hurt Saddam's chances in the selection process either.

So, bottom line, if Junior is twarted from his plans of a hot war in Iraq, he's got himself a problem. Like his daddy he's gonna have to turn to the domestic agends and we know how them Bush folk detest doing "home"work...
