çine,* thanks so much for putting the song in the book. I will send a MIDI or MP3 as soon as I can.Sorry it took so much of your time in formatting. When I posted it in the "September 11th Commemoration Songs" thread (linked to above), I configured the chords in Netscape Composer and then went to "Source View" and cut everything from the beginning to the end of the text and pasted that into the thread. It's a trick Amos and his wife Daly taught me, and it works like a charm for keeping the formatting "as is" when posting. I don't know how to do it using something other than Mac and Netscape. I didn't realize you were going to have to spend very much time on this; that was not my intent.
The chords as posted in the Songbook (per your link) are close to where they should be, on most lines, but they are perfectly aligned in the "September 11th Commemoration Songs." If anyone wants the "definitive version," that's where it is.
Amos, on my Mac, I hold down the "option" key and "e" at the same time, then type in the letter I want to give the acute mark. I don't know how it comes out on other folks' screens, but on mine it comes out as an "accent acute" (slanted to the left), which is the way Aine's name is supposed to look. This is the way my Microsoft Word 5 for Mac manual says to do it, and, at least on my screen, it seems to work within Netscape, AOL, and Explorer, too. ( I can also do it by going to Microsoft Word and going to the "Insert Symbol" command and finding the acute-accented capital "A," then pasting that into a MS Word page and then cutting and pasting into Netscape or whatever browser I'm using.) Either way, it always looks right on my screen.
On the other hand, Áine's name as entered by TGG herself shows up in the thread and post titles as "¡ine" on my screen. But within the text of her posts, it comes out as Áine with the acute accent over the "E."
Since you use Mac, too, I'm surprised you don't use the same key combinations as I do to make the acute accent.
Let me try something. Tell me which, if any, of the following shows up correctly on your screen: