The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51318   Message #781165
Posted By: GUEST
11-Sep-02 - 08:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Happy birthday, 09-11!
Subject: RE: BS: Happy birthday, 09-11!
60 years ago, when I was born, there was another crisis.

Then,too good men and women took up arms to defeat not just a foe, but to defeat evil. My father left for war when I was but a few months old; I remember meeting him when he came back, at the train station in Ottawa when I was four. I didn't quite understand who he was; I remember asking my mom "why is that man sleeping in your bed?"

And so I didn't have my parent with me for those first years; but I don't regret it. It was necessary for him to go to war.
And now we are at war again.
This time the stakes are equally as high. Let's make clear to fanatics, dictators and extremists that it's way past time for them to change.

Rich McCarthy