The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51324   Message #781219
Posted By: wysiwyg
11-Sep-02 - 09:59 AM
Thread Name: Musicians: How Are You Spending 9/11?
Subject: Musicans: How RU Spending 9/11?
This would normally be my AM wake up time with TV news. That's why last year my eyes and soul were wide opoen as 9/11 images poured in, unfiltered. Today.... I don't wanna be there all over again.

I was thinking that relief from it must lie in music, and it occurred to me that I am way behind on offering music for others' relief from the awfulness. So I made a plan to go play tonight in what I expect will be an empty church, and several songs come to mind. I will leave the doors wide open, the sound system on, and the lights on. Maybe someone who needs to be lifted up will happen to pass by. At any rate I often pray as I play so even if it's "just me" there, it will have been a good thing.

Big Mick posted in another thread that he's headed for the hill with is Low D whistle.

For me, I think it's a GREAT day to work on Robin's press kit for Ten Penny Bit. That will entail listening to their tape and just soaking it up, first.

What's your plan, as a musician, today? Or, for later, how did you spend it, and what is it about being a musician that led you to spend it that way?
