The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51319   Message #781222
Posted By: Bassic
11-Sep-02 - 10:07 AM
Thread Name: Cat preferences, muddy or otherwise
Subject: RE: Cat preferences, muddy or otherwise
When I play music at my friends house, she has 2 Oriental and 1 Siamese, the cats seem to react very little to the music itself but love the movement involved in playing the Cello and Violin, however they do tend to disappear to the bedroom when both sets of bagpipes start up!!! After a few minutes a couple of curious faces can be seen peering round the corner wondering which of them is being strangled! (I will be the one being strangled if my piper friends read this!!! They get very sensative and defensive about the kind of noise((oops, sorry, music)) they make for some reason:-})