The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51324   Message #781258
Posted By: Jeri
11-Sep-02 - 10:59 AM
Thread Name: Musicians: How Are You Spending 9/11?
Subject: RE: Musicans: How RU Spending 9/11?
I'm at home watching something on TV that doesn't have brass bands, flags or VIPs. I'm waiting to hear the report my car, which died last night on the way back from a memorial service. It took 2 phone calls and an hour for the tow truck guys to find it. It was hiding - a bright red Japanese sportscar pretending to be inconspicuous at a Ford dealership. (Here's a map. Here's a flashlight. Find your ass.)

Sorry. I guess the point is that real life stuff, even "a month from now, who'll care?" stuff, tends to be far more important than intellectually significant stuff. I have far too much adrenaline floating around in my blood stream to want to deal with memories of worse things.