The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51324   Message #781274
Posted By: Bobert
11-Sep-02 - 11:13 AM
Thread Name: Musicians: How Are You Spending 9/11?
Subject: RE: Musicans: How RU Spending 9/11?
This day is a most difficult day for me as it became very apparent yesterday that my father is is entering his last chapter here on earth. Though diagnosed with cancer two weeks ago he was still mobile and driving himself around. But in the last week he has become less and less mobile and yesterday it took all I had to get him up, dressed and loaded in and out of the car for his daily radiation treatments. I spoke with his doctor yesterday who explained just how sick my father is. Ther doctor told me that he had tried to tell my parents but. hey, I guess they were either not hearing or just couldn't deal with what they were hearing. I had to make my mother understand so that decisions could be made to provide my father with a level of comfort and dignity and this morning, we are getting him into a long term care facility.

His name is Ben Harrisn and is a good man. For those of Faith who, like myself, believe in the power of prayer, I'd ask that you include my father in your prayers this solemn day, that he may find peace.

As for music, I think I'll just go out on my deack, tonight, listen to the music of the trees and the voices on the wind and if inspired play some gentle slide guitar.

