The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51324   Message #781646
Posted By: GUEST,Walking Eagle
11-Sep-02 - 08:18 PM
Thread Name: Musicians: How Are You Spending 9/11?
Subject: RE: Musicians: How Are You Spending 9/11?
I'm sending good wishes your way Bobert.

I've decided to try and find out why much of the world doesn't seem to like us Americans. Since I work at a university library, I have an opportunity to do some reading. We also have many foreign students working with us, so maybe it is time to ask questions.

I'll play a few tunes and just reflect. Terry Gross did a very good job on her NPR Fresh Air show. She interviewed an African American poet who seemed to express my ambivilence about this day. She also had some singer song writers on.
