The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51246   Message #781669
Posted By: Bobert
11-Sep-02 - 08:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART FOUR
Subject: RE: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART FOUR
Really, Doug, U think it is a fair question. Your side has well crafted a PR campaign lumping anyone who stands in the way of your agenda (*which to me is very liberal*) as this, ahhhh, well..."liberal". No, it isn't the opposite of conservative becuase I'm much more conservative than you, I've found.

Yeah, I believe that the Bill of Rights is something that is important, if we are to be a free mation, and not sonething to be run thru the shredder...

And I'm into conservation (conserve) of resources where your side is Hell bent on burning up as much of them as you can.

And I'm into a 30 year old policy that doesn't needlessly force women into the back of gas stations to get abortions. (No, I maybe anti abortion, but I'm also prochoice...)

And I'm into the foriegn policy that your guy Richard Nixon perfected in keeping your adversaries closer rather than at arms length.

And I'm for the American work ethic, where folks can take care of their families, whule your guys want to keep a $5.15 minimum wage.

And there are a lot more. Lots.

So, Doug. How's it feel to be the "liberal". Which, in realitu, you are. Especially after your guys have just paid so many millions of bicks to convine the entire world that liberals are bad. Hmmmmmmmmm? Gonna cost a lot more to change the perceptions back...

Sorry to be so rough on ya, buddy, 'cause I really do like you a bunch (Bobert wipes tear from eye) but your side us gonna sling that crap until it comes right back 'round and hits them in the back of the head...
