The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51352   Message #781938
Posted By: GUEST,Taliesn
12-Sep-02 - 08:17 AM
Thread Name: 9/11: Thank You ,U.K.
Subject: RE: Thank You ,U.K.
(quote) "I dont think Smallpiper was being smart-arsed. Manchester, Lancs, and Leesburg,VA, just handle English a little differently. "

Agreed and I meant "smart-arsed" in the way I've come to know that species of Brit-wit that specializes in it's matter of factness. As I said it was "well-taken and , knowing what I had just opened my post up to, I'd have been disappointed had I *not* gotten this " Well ,on behalf of the entire United Kingdom, you're quite welcome" response.

I know ,too many years of Monty Python has done its damage. ;-)