The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51324   Message #782568
Posted By: JedMarum
12-Sep-02 - 08:29 PM
Thread Name: Musicians: How Are You Spending 9/11?
Subject: RE: Musicians: How Are You Spending 9/11?
I did my best to avoid the network crap (although PBS has some surprisingly good and tasetful pieces over the last few days; including a comment from a 911 widow who said, "How will I mark the anniversary? I don't need the anniversay other people need the anniversary. I live with 911 every day."

I did take my thoughts and sat on the banks of the quiet lake ... watched a few hawks and the odd fisherman or two ... let the sun bake my ankles while the cliff behind me offered precious little shade ... a few tourists wandered by ... I bought a cheesburger from the local bait shop and returned ... the fries were pretty good, but the fish probably enjoye 'em more then me.