The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51306   Message #782898
Posted By: Tweed
13-Sep-02 - 07:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Florida: voting falls flat again!!
Subject: RE: BS: Florida: voting falls flat again!!
Yer right on there, DougR. As de Education Secretary, the first thang I'd do is dump ol' Jeb's FCAT program , what seems to only be another worry fer every teacher, az Jeb and the fatcats seemz to think the teachers got more time on thar hands then iz healthy. See they got to teach the reglar textbook setup to the younguns and then somehow teach this FCAT horseshit to thar charges soze the kids kin try an' pass the FCAT test in order fer thar school to get a gud grade. If they fail this here FCAT an' suffer th' disgrace and guilt uv becomin' a "F" graded school why then he takes away thar budgit money a little more. Seemz like them schools would be the ones what needed a little more money fer teachers an' books and so forth, but I reckon he's of that "spare the rod and spoil the chile" philosophy and haz got off on sum kinda tangent in hiz thinkin'.
An' then I'd put a stop to funnelin' tax dollars to the Christian skooz. Them iz some nice folks but have some funny ideas about whut to teach young folks about the beginnin' of this world and tends to leave some fairly important things out. I think I'd also outlaw havin' the school chillen to go out an' sell stuff to get a liddle more money fer their school too. We got thet bigass lottery down here to give the schools money an if that don't do it, there ought to be some more taxes on the big business fellers, who stand to reap the mos' benefits from public education of the up and coming workforce.
Thar, you see? I wouldn't do to bad az sekeratariat uf Eddycashun;~)