The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51408   Message #783343
Posted By: GUEST,Taliesn
13-Sep-02 - 04:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is 9/11 overworked?
Subject: RE: BS: Is 9/11 overworked?
(quote) "For example, in Rwanda, and at Bhopal, and in Bosnia. No one has ever said Bhopal is "hallowed ground."

True ,but that was an accidental ( as in (not* premeditated ) disaster like 3 Mile Island or Chernobyl ; how many of us bothrer to remember those brave workers shoveling sand on the smoldering core knowing their exposure would doom them. ( The U.S. Nuke industry marks these days well I can tell ya :The days that killed the commercial nuclear power hogtrough ).

What's different here was that this was a *premeditated* act of war against civilians. Some may hate the symbols of World Trade ,but they were still innocent vistims of mass murder in a most spectacular way at the dawn of the 21st century and thus have struck a chilling keynote. Imagine , if you will , how much your perspective might 've shifted if *ground zero* was Parliament or "The City" ( the Lloyd's of London building would've been excrutiatingly surreal, but htere it is ) or just Big Ben or the Bridge on the Thames.

Considering all of the coverage of Lady Di's accident, think what your media would've donew with that. Something about it not being in one's own backyard makes it all hit home both literally and metaphorically.

(quote) "Really horrible things are perpetrated every day Israel. Real people are dying in Afghanistan."

And don't you think the Afghanni's mark well their anniversaries of the day the Russian's invaded ,then driven out ,then the Day of the Taliban and then "liberation". The Afghani's well mark the anniversary of the brutal suicide-bomb murder of their general well enough.

Have a care too for the wanton desecration by demolition of those twin Buddhist monuments as the whole world looked on helplessly.

It's all according to one's perspective and that , taking the bad with good , is still broadened by media coverage. I am, atlasy reminded of the life-sized blow-up of a panoramic photo of Gen. Eisenhauer witnessing the discovery of the horrors of a liberated death camp with the quote emblasened over it that is something to the effect of " Let this should be photographed for the record and preseved lest some damn fools try to say this never happened ".

Time will filter out the dross of commercial media coverage and the poignancies preserved in thoughtful media records will emerge as historical record.

For me , I chose to allow the services at St.Paul's as closure then viewing , on C-Span , the entirety of the U.N. Assembly speech of the already almost murdered Afghani president calling to task those that blaspheme with violence the Islam they profess to uphold as well as the breath of fresh air now rid of the Talibanto was inspiring to say the least.

Yeah ,were are living in *interesting times* and , for better or worse ,the media is there to capture what will become the public record.

Choose your filter well. ;-)