The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51408   Message #783449
Posted By: Burke
13-Sep-02 - 07:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is 9/11 overworked?
Subject: RE: BS: Is 9/11 overworked?
Wait a year to complain. A 1st anniversary of an event is a good time to reflect on it. If it happens again next year, I'll probably agree.

Also please stop comparing it to Pearl Harbor. A year after Pearl Harbor we were at war & it did get most of the headlines.

"Since Pearl Harbor: A New America
Pearl Harbor shattered our illusions. It made America angry. In twelve months a vast change has been wroght in the nation's live an mood" New York Times Magazine Dec. 6, 1942. Headline & lead paragraph of lead article in Magazine by Anne O'Hare MCCormick. Caption of picture "Uncle Sam has flexed his muscles and put himself in fighting trim; is feeling his giant strength and getting into his giant stride." (Many libraries have this on microfilm)

Pearl Harbor was commemerated for years after it happened. 20 years ago I was in a holiday choir of employees of the county government. Our concert was the first week of Dec. & there were several patriotic selections and a reading specifically about Pearl Harbor.

I was disgusted by the pundits who got on the air Sept. 12, 2001 and said we were all changed. I noted at the time that it was too early to make that statement. Because there were so many saying that a year ago, I was glad to listen to many of the features last week that did try to see how we've really changed. Yeah, not much, but a good corrective to the hype of last year.

One really important realization of a year ago was how important it is to keep in touch with our loved ones. My reflection on Sept. 11 is that I've been slipping & getting back to my old ways as well. I'm making an effort to call the family, etc.