The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10925   Message #78347
Posted By: Harald
14-May-99 - 06:25 AM
Thread Name: Obfuscatory vocabulary.
Subject: RE: Obfuscatory vocabulary.
Hm, the translation I found in my dictionary (dark) doesn´t seem to fit very properly. But beside of that I feel the same like TOAODai, complicated by being not a native english speaker at all. I can´t understand how most people, even in my surrounding sing songs they don´t understand. Getting worse when we started doing Oro se do beatha baile, with everyone laughing at me when I sat there all evening trying to translate it. But how can one sing a song with political significance and thereby expressing a certain attidute without knowing which attitude it is at all ?! I know, most people only listen to the music completely disregarding the lyrics. This may be alright with silly pop songs, but folk mostly deals with serious topics and I think everyone singing these songs should owe some attention to the lyrics. Of course, that´s up to everyone himself, but disregarding lyrics in folk songs would downgrade them to just music and therefore in my eyes to just something like pop songs. And that´s not what they are.

Greetings, Harald

(ps: Joe Offer, did you notice: I did not abbreviate "something" - especially for you !)