The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51424   Message #783607
Posted By: DonMeixner
13-Sep-02 - 11:27 PM
Thread Name: Rick Fielding has a great backyard
Subject: Rick Fielding has a great backyard
Which is where we sat and swapped songs, beers and assorted philosophies while a stormed brewed over the lake. Rick is one of the best guitarists I have had the pleasure of swapping songs with. Rick's wife Heather is a most gracious hostess and surely put up with much that evening. ( I imagine she is used to it by now tho') Also in attendance were Rick's student Marcie and Heather's sister from Scotland, The Dutchess of Argyl.

Thanks for the home away from home Rick.


PS: Did I leave my capo on the picnic table?