The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51432   Message #783731
Posted By: Bull Am
14-Sep-02 - 06:35 AM
Thread Name: Busking and Humility
Subject: Busking and Humility
I've been busking pretty regularly here in Rennes, France, especially over the past few weeks. I had a discussion with a friend of mine last night where he explained why he hates playing in the street in Rennes, where the people aren't as apt to show respect, are more likely to pass by without even looking twice, etc. My point of view is that even on the worst days, when you scream and pluck your heart out for the equivalent of five dollar, even then, it is good exercise, it is good practice, it is going for a jog performance wise. Plus, one is forced to focus in the face of apathy, and one learns to concentrate despite adverse circumstances. At the very least, it's good for humility and perseverence. I was wondering what other folkies thought of the darker side of busking; are there moments where y'all feel like giving up, like you're underappreciated, etc. If so, what's the alternative? Even on the worst days, I still make 5 euros more than I would've just staying home, and I have some experience to bring away with me as well...