The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51306   Message #783903
Posted By: Elektra
14-Sep-02 - 01:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Florida: voting falls flat again!!
Subject: RE: BS: Florida: voting falls flat again!!
I registered here in Florida in 1992 and my "race" has *always* been on my voter card, although I too question the need/motivation. While I can understand how the government might want to keep track of which parts of the populace are actually registering for _internal purposes_, I see *ZERO* reason why race should be part of the "public record". Or party affiliation, for that matter. Again, _internal use_ is understandbly necessary for things like primaries...(Although I have my doubts about that as well, it's a whole other topic, LOL.)

What's the bloody point of a "secret" ballot when I am (theoretically, at least) compelled to wear my party affiliation on my sleeve? Not that anyone couldn't at least discern my race clearly just by looking at me, and if asked (and sometimes even when not) I make no effort to conceal where my political sympathies lie. ;-)

However -- someone dealing with me *personally* is quite different than categorizing me as a name on a list. More importantly, for some people political affiliation is very personal, private, and NOT an acceptable topic of discussion. Then again, I have *very* strong feelings about privacy rights in general. :-)

As to the electronic voting booths, we have had them in my county since at least the last local election & IMNSHO as a voter I found them simple and easy to use. However, as to the ultimate accuracy I can make no statements. ;-)


P.S. I've been a supporter of my local independent-Pacifica/Democracy-Now-carryin'-folk-music-supportin'-radio-station for many years. Long live 88.5 WMNF!