The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51439   Message #783956
Posted By: Joe Offer
14-Sep-02 - 03:28 PM
Thread Name: TECH: Mailing CD's
Subject: Digital Tradition 2002
I don't know if there will be a download of the Digital Tradition or not. The DOS version is 15.6 MB, and the Windows version is almost 20 MB. That's a pretty big drain on the resources of Mudcat, but I imagine Max will try to do something to make it possible.
I'll be glad to send out a number of copies to people with CD burners who are willing to pass copies on to others - just send me a personal message. If I end up sending out more than maybe fifty copies, I may have to beg for mercy.
The database format of the DOS version is the same as it has always been - AskSam. I'm not sure what's the format of the Windows version.
Dick hasn't made a formal US announcement of the Digital Tradition - I imagine he'll do that at the Getaway, and that there will be copies of the database available there (so if you're going to the Getaway, don't ask me to mail you a copy).
I know Bill Sables has a copy of the database, but I also know he can't burn CD's because his computer has some problems I wasn't able to fix. So, I guess UK people may have to wait until Bill gets his computer repaired, or until somebody else from the UK volunteers to distribute copies.
The Windows version is very nice, and it's easy to operate, but it does not search the database as effectively as the DOS version does. I think I'll stick to using a DOS window for the database.
-Joe Offer-