The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51360   Message #783981
Posted By: Little Hawk
14-Sep-02 - 04:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART FIVE
Subject: RE: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART FIVE
The main thing Saddam has actually done that upsets G.W. is this: he has endured and survived, despite the disapproval of America. He has proven capable (so far) of doing that. He poses no credible threat to the USA itself, but he has survived. Now we all know from all good western movies that there is one hard and fast rule, and it is this: The Bad Guy does NOT survive to the end of the movie. He gets gunned down in the climactic scene by the Good Guy. Since George Bush, in his own mind, is the Good Guy, he just wants like hell to get to the end of the movie and set things right and do like his daddy should've done, that's all...

Then there will naturally be a sequel, with a new Bad Guy (I wonder who it will be?), and so it will infinitum...or until the USA vanishes into the dust bin of history, which happens to all great empires eventually.

In the meantime, let's get that guy with the portentious voice who does all the movie trailers to do up one for this great new film "GULF WAR II (This time it's personal...)"

Appearing in theatres EVERYWHERE sometime after the November elections...

Har! Har! BS reigns supreme as the dollars roll in. Harrison Ford will portray George Bush Jr., and Mel Gibson will play a hardbitten but sensitive US tank commander with a deep love of his family and country, while Jodie Foster will take on the role of an American war correspondent from CNN, on station in Baghdad when the going gets REALLY tough. Some ugly f**king Mexican with a big moustache will play Saddam, and boy, will he get HIS! But not before ordering a few heartless atrocities and harassing Ms Foster, so we can all really enjoy seeing him go down the tube in the nastiest way possible. He won't die easily, but he'll die with a big sure of that.

- LH