The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51424   Message #784222
Posted By: DonMeixner
15-Sep-02 - 01:23 AM
Thread Name: Rick Fielding has a great backyard
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding has a great backyard
I never saw the "The Black Hole". It was dark after all and we did engage in a small bout of consumption so we weren't wandering far from the table.

I missed out on the B-B-Q oportunity, I had to leave for home at 5:00 on Friday. I traveled that Parking Lot known as the QEW from Toronto to Hamilton in just under three hours. Next time I'll go home by way of Kingston and take the Ferry.

Rick spoke some kind words about my banjo playing but the first time I ever heard my Ode played was when Rick played "Catspaws Rag" on it for me.

Everyone's back yard should be a hint of Eden. Rick's certainly is that.
