The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51360   Message #784394
Posted By: Little Hawk
15-Sep-02 - 11:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART FIVE
Subject: RE: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART FIVE
Bobert, ol' pal, what are you on? You oughta join in a spelling incoherency competition with John in Hull and see who comes in last! :-)

You could've done a better job than that pinch-hitting for Doug. Try reading some columns by our very own Canadian columnist Barbara Amiel, for some really well thought out analysis of why the left is wrong, wrong, wrong, always has been, and the USA is right, right, right. Barbara is a very smart woman, and she married Conrad Black, who is the most notoriously blackhearted capitalist robber baron in all of Canada (But he moved to England, and I believe is seeking a knighthood there. He despises Canada, cos we're too moderate, wimpy, wishy-washy, and liberal here for his taste. Besides, we're too small for Conrad.)

Anyway, look up Barbara Amiel on Google, read some of her stuff, and you will then be well versed in the rhetoric you sorely need if you want to stand up for what is "RIGHT" in this world. :-)

By the way, I read Barbara's autobiography, and she's an impressive character...but I think she's got a rather skewed view of reality. She would think the same of me.

The other thing you could do is read the Toronto Sun, but they are barely as coherent as you... :-) They are just panting, waiting for the bombs to start falling. There is no international problem which the Sun does not feel cannot be sorted out by a massive military strike by the good ol' USA.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

Kill all bad foreign people, and then go in and develop the place and give 'em shopping malls and McDonald's franchises. That's the Sun's prescription for world peace.

Also, kill or jail all welfare cases, street people, chronically unemployed, and social malcontents and deregulate all industries everywhere and reduce all taxes by, oh, let's say 80%, and lay off virtually all government workers, and privatize everything, selling it off to the highest bidder, and teach everybody to look out for NUMBER ONE, since life is a pitiless fight for survival, and only the strong shall live!

Oh, and build more jails and step up the execution rate drastically. Canada is so far from the kind of society that the editors of the Toronto Sun want that I am surprised they have not simply given up and moved to the USA. No, they remain hopeful...

- LH