The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51306   Message #784426
Posted By: Bobert
15-Sep-02 - 12:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Florida: voting falls flat again!!
Subject: RE: BS: Florida: voting falls flat again!!
Pooka, et al: I can apprciate what you have shared with us *but* I'm still wondering about using race as an identifier and not social security numbers on purging a hughly disporportionate number of black folks from the voting roles in Florida.

One would think that with a right as important to the survival of the democratic process that before stripping one of his or her such right that election officials would take at least one step beyond the color of one's skin.

Now, when one looks at the 57,000 people who were stripped of their rights to vote in Florida who were disporportionally of minorities who voted overwhelmingly for the Democratic ticket, it is no wonder that in a state with a Bush in the Governor's mansion and a hard liner Repub running the election, there are more than just a few raised eyebrows.

The appearance of a "fixed" election may indeed be more than just an appearance.

Doug: Well, my friend, give this some thought. You are hearing over and over from folks on the other side that NPR is in a sprint to right. What, do you think we are imagining this, or what? Heck, it's funded by a government that has had no problem intimidating its critics. Ask Tom Daschle, after he was all but branded a traitor by the administration for not goose-stepping in time. So here, as far as a lot of us are concerned, we have Pacifica, which is looking more and more like the Alamo.

The liberal media? Ha! Your guys are so scared that the one danged thing is going to get by you, like anything that is pro-human for the working clas, that your guys cry like babies. I mean, their is no compromise coming from your side. None. Nada, Zip. You guys got your extremeists, and your "boogie men", and your war drums, and your neoMcCathism in full force and you're not going to give up until labor is goosesteeping to and from the assembvly lines singing, "we love the boss".


Beam my boney, Wes Ginny butt up while I sing, "take this job and shove it", thank you

Not bad for a Sunday mornin', Bobert..

Feel better?

Not really.
