The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51481   Message #784713
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
15-Sep-02 - 07:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Differences in types of pipes
Subject: RE: BS: Differences in types of pipes
There is a tradition of bagpipes of one sort or another in just about every country from Ireland across to Pakistan. The puzzle is that there seems to be so widespreadand impression that they are particularly Scottish.

The other puzzle to me is that, outside this sizeable chunk of the planet (most of Europe and the Middle East), the pipes have never really seemed to take root. So far as I know there are no indigenous piping traditions in Africa, the rest of Asia, America, or Australia (unless you stretch a point a very very long way, and claim the didgeridoo as a rather strange variety of bagpipe, with the circular breathing technique having the effect of turning the body into the bag for playing the drone...)