The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51408   Message #784812
Posted By: musicmick
15-Sep-02 - 10:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is 9/11 overworked?
Subject: RE: BS: Is 9/11 overworked?
Oh Dick, what you have wrought. You sweet thoughts of a worldwide folk music community is, so often, a haven for the kneejerk perversion of classic leftist values. Did you imagine that your digitrad dream would devolve into a coven of closeted continental America haters who are having the time of their pathetic lives covertly chortling over the chaos and fear that was visited upon us. I just love to listen to these weasely wannabes blame us for the actions of a murderous cult who care less about Palestinian rights than George W. Bush does about health care. Just to address the subject enough to refute what all those British Yank bashers offered, Americans are, for the first time, experiencing a feeling of vulnirability and peril. If we harp on the 9/11 attack, it is because we are scared and angry and, we have every right to be so. I do sympathize with all victims, but this is different and the sooner we all realize that, the safer we will be. We are dealing with a very different enemy than we have ever known. This is not a nation or a rational movement. This enemy is fanatical and fearless. They would as soon kill you as they would me and, what is most frightening, as they would themselves. Do you think that they would hesitate to destroy the earth in a spate of religeous fervor? Great nations are exploitive by nature. The USA and The USSR possesed sufficiant weapons to end civilization but they did not. The UK, France, China and Israel have terrible weapons also and none of them have shown themselves to be a true threat to the continued survival of the world. On the other hand, I wouldn't trust these Jihad characters with a book of matches. Would you?