The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51481 Message #784965
Posted By: Pied Piper
16-Sep-02 - 06:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Differences in types of pipes
Subject: RE: BS: Differences in types of pipes
Although there are many different Bagpipes throughout Eurasia and North Africa, they can be divided into a few broad types. In no particular order: 1 Conical bore double reed Chanter and single reed Drone/s(GHB, Giata, Binou,ect)played western coastal fringes of Europe. 2 Cylindrical single reed chanter and single reed Drone(Giada,ect) Hungary, Bulgaria, Macedonia and a lot of Eastern Europe. 3 Double conical bore double reed Chanters and Double reed Drones (zampona ect) played in Northern Italy and the Mediterranean Islands. 4 Double cylindrical bore single reed Chanters no separate drone (zammara ect) played in North Africa and the Arabic speaking world. There is also a sub-strand of type 1 with cylindrical bore double reed Chanters and single reed Drones ( Northumberland and Scottish Smallpipes)played in Northern Britain. But where do the Uillian Pipes fit in all this?. The Uillian Pipes are the most recent version of the bagpipe idea. The chanter developed out of the "Pastoral" pipes played in Scotland in the early 18th century and the regulators were added in the early 19th century. Finally the instrument went to America where its use in "vordaville" necessitated a change of key to D (more volume). All the best PP.