The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51493   Message #785018
Posted By: GUEST,Dr. Guitar
16-Sep-02 - 08:49 AM
Thread Name: Dear Mr. Guitar
Subject: RE: Dear Mr. Guitar
Dear Going Broke in Idaho,

I'm afraid the simple answer is yes. He WILL need a different guitar for each type of music he plays. I suggest that you try to stay in gainful highly-paid employment to support his habit which is distressing but not that unusual and only rarely fatal (in its extreme form normally where the musician requires a different guitar for each individual song or tune).

Kletzmer comes from the Hebrew "kley" (instrument) and "zemer" (song) and is basically Jewish music with Roma, Romanian, Polish, Hungarian, Ukranian, Russian and other Eastern European roots played on many different occasions.

There are many types of Kletzmer music including khusidl, hora/zhok, doyne, fantzi, freylekh/bulgar, sirba, kolomeyke and sher.

Your husband will need a different guitar for each of these types of kletzmer and, for a small consideration, I will be prepared to carry out all the necessary set-ups.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Guitar