The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51360   Message #785346
Posted By: Don Firth
16-Sep-02 - 03:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART FIVE
Subject: RE: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART FIVE
And, of course, while Mr. Bush and his minions have us all gazing out overseas at Saddam Hussein, the mighty Colossus whose threatening shadow falls over the entire world, not very many people seem to be noticing that the economy is in the toilet, unemployment is on the rise, blatant corporate greed and graft has reach previously unplumbed depths, public lands are being given away to those eager to exploit them, and the Bill of Rights and several other portions of the Constitution are being run through the shedder.

Also, people are no longer paying much attention to the dubious manner in which Bush attained office in the first place (the recent Florida f—k-up was a little glitch there, for which Jeb and Katey have probably been duly reprimanded).

Please forgive my cynicism (my knowledge of history tends to make me that way), but methinks I detect a hint of smoke and the glint of mirrors.

Don Firth