The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51493   Message #785384
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
16-Sep-02 - 04:17 PM
Thread Name: Dear Mr. Guitar
Subject: RE: Dear Mr. Guitar
Dear A Tru Fokey,

While Dr. Guitar's advice regarding your friends jazz-chord-omania is sound and should be well considered, the particular school where we matriculatrd favors a simple procedure known as a "massive fretectomy". While jazz-chord-omania may be cured by simply removing the jazz chords from the guitar, the procedure requires months or even years of regular counseling to ensure that no relapse occurs. Massive fretectomy is the simple procedure of removing all but the five lowest frets from the guitar, thus making it impossible for the infectee to play most jazz chords. It seems like a cruel and heartless procedure, but most guitarists adjust to it in about the same length of time that it takes for a neutered tomcat to adjust to having had his balls cut off. With this simple procedure, your freiend will be back to playing G, C, and D in no time flat.


Dr. O.M. Dreadnought