The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25091   Message #785410
Posted By: GUEST,The Fantum
16-Sep-02 - 04:44 PM
Thread Name: Kenneth Williams
Subject: Lyr Add: MY GRANDFATHER'S GRUNGE (Kenneth Williams

Authors probably as above

Singer Ramblin Sid Rumpo ( K Williams)

Tune My Grandfathers Clock

My Grandfathers grunge was to large for the house
So he left it outside by the door
It was almost as big as the old fool himself
And it weighed half a hundred weight more
He could whirl it around
With a mighty booming sound
While my Granny stood by in surprise
But he lost grip dented the tip
And it caused his untimely demise

Now he left it to me and its plain for to see
Its the pride and the joy of the broads
Every Michaelmas Day it is here on display
And its already won many awards
All the summer I munge
As I whirled that mighhty grunge
And my Granny regards me with pride
But I stopped short never to grunge again
When its cold outside


half a hundred weight is 56lb about 28kg Broads-in England a series of small lakes in Norfolk are known as "The Broads"

In Yonder Green Valley

Authors probably as above

Singer Ramblin Sid Rumpo ( K Williams)

Tune The Ash Grove?

In yonder green valley
I first met sweet Sally
When twilight was falling
We both held our tryst
Mid groves that were gloomy
She vowed her love to me
But it was so light there
We had to play whist

Amidst the bright barley
We stopped for a parley
Whilst hoot owls were calling
We plighted our grunge
Above us the stars shone
My grummets got caught on
A rambling rose bush
And nadgered my munge

Now with sorrow deep sorrow
My wogglers are laden
For Sally's departed
She married for wealth
Although I still wander
In yonder green valley
Its not so much fun
When you wurdle yourself

Advice given by Ramblin Sid
This song should be sung Lugubriously

Good Luck to all singers of this unique branch of the folk singer art

The Fantum