The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51408   Message #785502
Posted By: toadfrog
16-Sep-02 - 06:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is 9/11 overworked?
Subject: RE: BS: Is 9/11 overworked?
Gee, musicmic, in what way are we "America bashers"? You are not expressing yourself very clearly. I have some ideas about what is essentially American. The recent media orgy does not seem to reflect any basic American values.

You sound as if you are afraid someone will blow you up. Statistically, that's not very likely. That particular band of crazies does not have really formidable weaponry. Not nearly so scary as when the Soviet Union was pointing all those hydrogen bombs at us. Nothing like the Cuban Missile crisis. Nothing like the threats Europe lived with in the Cold War, when they were the situs of hundreds of tactical nukes. Aside from that, it's hard to tell what you are saying. Am I unpatriotic because I'm not scared shitless? Is that what you are trying to say?