The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51519   Message #785880
Posted By: greg stephens
17-Sep-02 - 06:39 AM
Thread Name: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
1) Ozark Mountain(Daredevils)
2)Pike(Betsy from)
3)Mt McKinley
4) (Noel) Hill
5) Cliffs of Duneen
6) Appalachian( Suite, Aaron Copeland)
7) Mountains of Mourne
8) Peak in Darien(Keats)
9) Rocky Top
10)Cheviots (Chevy Chase)
11) Old Smoky
12) Malvern Hills (Piers Plowman)
13) Mt McKinley (White House Blues)
14) Mt Erebus (southenmost volcano)
15) Mt Kenya (No picnic on)
16) Ben Lomond( steep steep sides, high/low road)
17) Fell (I do not love thee Doctor).Noreen submitted the even better answer Shipman Mountain, Colorado.
18) Over the hills (and far away)
19) Mt Everest (Mallory, because it was there)
20) Cumberland Gap

Questions correctly answered:
BanjoRay 8; Noreen 5; Snuffy 3; Mary in Kentucky 2; Walrus 2; GUEST Bman 1; Khandu 0.

Points awarded a bit arbitrary, lot ofteamwork and dead heats, but BanjoRay a clear winner.