The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51408   Message #786264
Posted By: GUEST,Taliesn
17-Sep-02 - 08:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is 9/11 overworked?
Subject: RE: BS: Is 9/11 overworked?
(quote) "Yes, it is a tragedy when 3,000 people lose their lives on a single day as the result of madmen. "

Oh how very civilized and gracious of you to state this faux disclaimer before relaunching into your hopelessly "one-sided" screed which has already been expressed elsewhere by better authors.

(quote) .".But it is also a tragedy that takes place in many countries around the world on a daily basis, often as a result of the madmen in Washington.And when this fact is not acknowledged, "

You're false argument of these facts not being acknpowledged renders your belabored position as merely the excuse that you've seized upon I s'pose out of some *ideologically correct* sense that it's not been acknowledged enough to *your* satisfaction. How bloated of you.

(quote) "...anniversary observances of September 11th sound hollow at best, and grossly hypocritical and offensive at worst."

There , feel better now? How convinient you haven't a care to make mention the Tibetians or the surviving Tiananmen Square witnesses simply because the so-called "madmen in Washington" aren't to blame.

Back in your ideological box.