The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51549   Message #786348
Posted By: GUEST
17-Sep-02 - 10:19 PM
Thread Name: Lyr/Tune Req: Song for the Mira (A MacGillivray)
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Song for the Myra
George, Sorry if I missed something, but I don't recall anyone telling me anything about this song last week. There is another thread about the song, and the last time I checked that thread, someone said they thought the line was "prophets." That was the basis for my post.

If someone posted information to the contrary after I ceased logging onto that thread, sorry for the error.

The important thing is that we get the lyric right. I have no preference one way or the other. (Or, if I do, I prefer "princes.")