The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51597   Message #787003
Posted By: greg stephens
18-Sep-02 - 05:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nautical quiz
Subject: RE: BS: Nautical quiz
Well as a paid-up member of the Boat Band for many years I'd better show me a face here or be labelled a fraud. A brigantine is one of those boats you see on TV programs about the Old Days,with two masts. The one nearer the front(bow or sharp end as it is technically known) has those sideways kind of sails that they have always have on the big boats with Nelson and Hornblower on. The mast nearer the back(stern, starn or blunt end) has the sails mounted so they are parallel to the line of the boat (fore and aft, as they say): well,nearly parallel. they swing about from side to side a bit according to how the wind is blowing. That's it really. There's a few more sails on the sticky-out front thingy, and a bit of extra gubbins between the two masts for specially nice days when the Admiral or a TV crew is visiting..