3. Tumble-home is the inward curve of the ship (or indeed, boat)'s side near the top. Not often built these days, more's the pity.4. A strongback is EITHER a strut across a boat to enable it to sling a very heavy weight (such as the ship's bower anchor) underneath without crushing the boat OR a strengthening piece across a door or hatch. Never heard of it in conjunction with pudding!
5. Futtock shrouds are the overhanging bits (just below the 'top') of the ropes that hold up the mast from the sides. Jolly difficult to climb up (but I've only tried it once - and I was younger then!)
9. The taffrail is (nothing, as far as I know, to do with the Welsh) the rail across the blunt end to stop people falling off.
10. The keelson is the good-sized lump of wood just above the keel, and to which it is fastened.