The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51597   Message #787048
Posted By: Herga Kitty
18-Sep-02 - 06:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nautical quiz
Subject: RE: BS: Nautical quiz
Oh my gawd. I hadn't realised that Kendall was in serious search of illumination and erudition. I'd assumed this was a challenge on the lines of "I'm sorry I haven't a clue".
In which case, "brigantine" could be - a night-time chocolate drink for sailors, or a hair preparation for sailors going on shore, or a very small punishment cell for when they came (or were dragged) back from shore.

"He came in through the hawsepipe" = "he couldn't fit in the hipsepipe".

Alex Ferguson should give the Dolphin Striker a contract.

Gangway drunk is companionway paralytic

The Tumbleholm / Tumblehome is a returning Rambleaway.

The Strongback and Pudding (club) is the girl he rambled away from before he decided it was safe to tumble home.

"Futtock shrouds" - where Kenneth Williams was hiding to avoid witnessing heterosexual (or any other) excesses onboard ship.

"The binnacle list" - end of bin wines list for poseurs and bon viveurs lurking on/ or stuck to, folk music threads.

"Taffrail" - notwithstanding Schantieman's post, the rail off which frail Welshman were heaving to the rhythm of the rolling sea.

The keelson - abbreviated version of a close relative of Jim Mageean, Alan Fitsimmons, George Unthank or Peter Wood (or possibly Danny McLeod or Steve or Mike Wilson, depending on age of keelson).