The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51599   Message #787545
Posted By: C-flat
19-Sep-02 - 12:32 PM
Thread Name: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
Raggytash mentions Pete Back in Reeth. I met Pete several years ago when he was running a hardware shop in Sheffield. We got talking and somehow the subject of guitars came up. At this Pete gets all animated and begins to tell me how he used to make guitars, digging out an old album of photographs, he shows me this wonderful collection of instruments and some of the famous names who played them.
It seems he gave up after his first wife died and went into the hardware business. I persuaded Pete to make me a PRS type custom guitar and, while he was back in guitar making mode, he made himself a stunning Jazz Archtop.Both guitars were beauties and he decided to get back into full time production and sold the hardware shop.
He a typical, straight talking, Yorkshireman who builds fantastic quality instruments to your own specification, and as I haven't come across him for a number of years now, I'm delighted to hear he's still going strong.
Thanks for jogging my memory Raggytash!