The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51597   Message #787865
Posted By: kendall
19-Sep-02 - 07:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nautical quiz
Subject: RE: BS: Nautical quiz
Ok, time to end it.
1.being on the binnacle list means you are in sick bay.
2. a gangway drunk is a guy who has had little to drink, but, needs to impress his shipmates when he comes back from liberty.
3. A strongback is a large wooden spar, of the same diameter from end to end. It is slung on the boat deck, and, it keeps the longboats from banging against the side of the ship. The pudding is wrapped around the strongback, filled with material that gives on impact, and, at least on the ship I was in, it was covered with leather. The edges were nailed to the strongback with brass nails.