The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51597   Message #788178
Posted By: Schantieman
20-Sep-02 - 11:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Nautical quiz
Subject: RE: BS: Nautical quiz
Greg - know what you mean about narrow boats.

Speaking of gangway drunks, I heard a supposedly true story about a rather senior Naval Officer who, in his younger days, was on a run ashore with (would you believe) a stoker and a Wren. After several drinks they end up in a nightclub where the stoker and Wren are dancing on the table. Someone suggests the all swap clothes. Reasonable enough, at that time of night - so they do.

After a little more lemonade they stagger back to the ship, still cross-dressed, and as they approach the brow the Officer says to the other two, "Oh hell - I hope we're not going to get defaulters for this."

Then he comes to his senses a little, and as he realises the true gravity of the situation.

"No, we'll be all right," says he, "I'm the Captain".

Having met him earlier this summer, I can believe it!
