The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51709   Message #788993
Posted By: Mac Tattie
22-Sep-02 - 10:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK Only) Anyone going to today's march?
Subject: RE: BS: 9UK Only) Anyone going to todays march?
The "comment" in the "sevendays" section of to-days Sunday Herald went straight to the point with "Why it is wrong to turn the countryside into "us v them". My own point is that many,if not all, of the "marchers" who have real muck on their boots and hands will be there on the ORDERS of their masters and, in effect, owners. There are real and growing problems in rural areas and all stem back to the stranglehold the Lairds and Lords of the manor have over, as they see it, their captive, cheep, workforce.