The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51709   Message #789124
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
22-Sep-02 - 04:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: (UK Only) Anyone going to today's march?
Subject: RE: BS: 9UK Only) Anyone going to todays march?
That's the point, it isn't 300 years... as I said, MY GENERATION - that's the last 30 years... and if I could make a small holding pay, I would, but that's just it, government quotas and restrictions mean it's an impossible task. A small farm is only allowed to produce so much. It gets fined if it produces too much. Trouble is, the amount it can produce legally isn't enough to make it a viable paying farm. Why do you think so many 'Farmers Markets' are springing up all over the place? Farmers have to go 120 miles to sell at prices to make it worthwhile, or have a huge farm.

All the computers, machines and technology in the world will not grow a potato, produce milk from grass or lay an egg.